EMPOWERED LEADERS CHAT - Get Both You & Your Team Out of That Rut

Welcome back to the Empowered LeadersTM newsletter, Reader!

I'm so glad you're here!

Looking for ideas to get you & your team out of a rut, Reader? Try these 2 ideas:

This one is great for both you & your team... when another meeting is just not needed - quite the opposite is needed! My team has done this one a few times, and, since many of us live in different states, it is nice to see photos from other locations to bring us all a little closer together!

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This one is more for YOU! When you can't seem to get yourself motivated to do that next item on your "to do" list... do something that you CAN do (& would rather do). Something smaller, that will give you a quick hit of feeling productive so you can tackle that other "to do"!

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Reply back and let me know what ideas you utilize to break the normal routine... or let me know if you tried these!

Remember to take care of YOU, Reader

Many great leaders spend all of their time managing up & managing down... but they forget about themselves in all that busy-ness. Remember that taking your own breaks, downtime (15 minutes or a day/week off) helps to refuel YOU... so that you can take on that next task, that next meeting, that next deadline.

"Remember to fill your cup, because you can't pour from an empty cup." --author unknown

Building a safe space - where you can ask "that" question!

Do you have someone or somewhere you can ask all of your questions about leadership? I'm talking about a safe space, where you can ask that question... the one you are afraid to ask your boss.

Check out my upcoming Academy for newer leaders just like you, Reader!

Coming this Fall... apply NOW!

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Don't wait!

Because... after the 1st cohort year, new member prices will increase (while prices for founding members will stay the same.)

You don't have to do this alone...
you just have to take the 1st step!

Love to Read?

This book is a compilation of stories from 44 different servant leaders to give you different perspectives with the hope of enlightening YOU on your own journey into servant leadership.

I hope you enjoy "Servant Leadership in Action", Reader!

I particularly enjoyed the parable of the empty boat... bringing to light our human nature to blame someone else, right up until we realize there is no one else... it's us who is creating the issue.

Then there was chapter 37 "It's How You Treat People" that stood out to me... which included the idea of "pruning". I couldn't agree more with this section.

I'd love to hear your favorite section(s) - reply back to me, Reader, with your thoughts!

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Wishing You Success,

Stephanie Weiss

Your Empowered LeadersTM Coach

P.S. I welcome your feedback and your ideas for future topics. Reply

Hi! I'm Stephanie, founder of the Empowered Leaders Academy.

Guiding newer corporate leaders to transition from doer to boss - offering coaching, training & group support to help you build an extraordinary team along the way! Sign up for my newsletter, join an upcoming live event, apply to the community, or get 1:1 coaching.

Read more from Hi! I'm Stephanie, founder of the Empowered Leaders Academy.

Welcome Back, Reader Ah, the generation gap! "They don't have any loyalty." "They are disengaged with work." "They are slackers with no work ethic." Oops, did you think we were talking about Gen Z or Millennials? Nope! These were the common statements the Boomer generation used to describe Gen X when they first entered the workforce. Boomers vs. Gen X... Boomers had valued long-term employment with a single company. Gen X had grown up witnessing corporate restructuring and layoffs in the 80s,...

Welcome Back, Reader Why do we call them "soft skills"? Soft skills are “soft, until you don’t have them, Then it’s hard.” --Chike Aguh, senior advisor of Harvard University’s Project on Workforce Aguh further suggested that the process of developing soft skills is similar to getting good at sports by adding, “You can’t read a book on how to do a jump shot.” I couldn't agree more with his sentiment! Organizations don't spend enough time assessing soft skills in job candidates, and much less...

Welcome Back, Reader Do Your Employees Feel Appreciated? Or do you just think they do? "There are two things people want more than sex and money: recognition and praise." - Mary Kay Ash, Founder of Mary Kay, Inc. While most everyone would like a raise or bonus, that monetary incentive is quickly forgotten. Appreciation doesn't have to cost anything. It can be as simple as a sincere 'thank you'... verbally or written. The problem? "While more than 80% of managers THINK that they are providing...