EMPOWERED LEADERS - Do Yourself A Favor - Slow Down

Welcome Back, Empowered Leader.

I'm so glad you're here, Reader!

Do Yourself a Favor, Reader

As the weather turns colder, and the nights are longer, December encourages us to slow down.

Yet, it can feel so foreign to slow down... especially here in the U.S. where the focus is all about doing more, faster. As a result, we face all the health consequences that come with the "more" mentality.

Do yourself a favor...

Stop for just a moment RIGHT NOW. First, smile. Then take a deep breath... slowly inhale, holding your breath for just a moment, then slowly exhale fully. Try doing this 3 times in a row.

How difficult was it to give yourself just a few moments? Be honest...

Can you commit to doing this each day? Grant yourself a moment to JUST BE... give yourself this gift. BONUS: send a quick note to your team and tell them to do themselves this little favor.

Would your team be surprised to hear this from you? Be honest...

The next time you run across something that resonates with you, send it to your team! It is great reinforcement for you and a great way both to show your team that you are human & that you remember they are human, too.

Remembering We Are Human

That is the key, Reader! You are human, your team is made up of humans... so why do we find it so hard to act like it?

EQ, authenticity, transparency... it's all about treating others like humans, not widgets.

So many workplace cultures focus on $$$ or results. Yet, as an Empowered Leader, you know that treating your team with respect leads to improved engagement, productivity, and retention (for the right people anyway!) Which ultimately leads to the improved company bottom line and a happier, more rewarding workplace culture.

If Emotional Intelligence (EQ) still seems like a buzzword to you, and you want to know more about what it is... or how to "do it", here is a free gift from me to you:


I'd love to work with you on your Empowered Leadership journey, Reader. Let me know how I can help!

Are We Connected, Reader?

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Wishing You Success,

Stephanie Weiss

Your Empowered Leadership Coach

P.S. I welcome your feedback and your ideas for future topics. Reply

Hi! I'm Stephanie, founder of the Empowered Leaders Academy.

Guiding newer corporate leaders to transition from doer to boss - offering coaching, training & group support to help you build an extraordinary team along the way! Sign up for my newsletter, join an upcoming live event, apply to the community, or get 1:1 coaching.

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