EMPOWERED LEADERS - 😱 Don't Let These Scary Stats Stop You In Your Tracks! πŸ‘£

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I'm so glad you're here!

Scary Statistics 😱... but never fear... AND how to overcome them 🀯!


😱 Companies lose between 90% - 200% of an employee's salary every time they have to replace them (Source: Tremendous.com blog post 9/11/23)

  • 🀯 Think RETENTION is just a job for the HR Department? Think again! As Leaders, you play a key role in retaining staff (especially the good ones!) By laying a solid groundwork that builds upon psychological safety (there's a lot to this), you set the tone of the company & team culture that attracts new hires, keeps the best staff, & motivates even your mediocre employees to improve performance. I've done this myself multiple times - and I can help you to do it, too!


😱 82% of the time, companies fail to choose the right candidate (Source: Gallup)

  • 🀯 Front-Line and Mid-Level Leaders also help retention & turnover by HIRING the right candidate the 1st time. Improve your skills as an interviewer by knowing what to look for & how to root out red flags, reading body language, & getting your interviewing panel on the same page.
  • PLUS have an onboarding plan that sets up your new hire for success, while setting the expectation with them to continue the positive team culture you've built. I have a proven method I've used AND trained other leaders to success in hiring & onboarding!


😱 By 2025, 27% of the workforce will be made up of Gen Z (Source: World Economic Forum)

  • 🀯 Is your company - are your leaders - ready? Do you know how to motivate & retain Gen Z? Be ready to "walk the talk" and adjust to the expectations of this new generation.
  • There is a lot of negative talk about Gen Z, as there is with each new generation as they enter the workforce. Get the real scoop on the differences between how you grew up & what they experienced. Willing to put yourself in their shoes? Learn with the intent to understand! I can guide you to great resources if you need them.


😱 47% of people report their WORK wellbeing expectations are higher than they were just ONE year ago (Source: Indeed's Work Wellbeing Report)

  • 🀯 Workplace wellbeing impacts company attraction, retention & profits. And it's not just Gen Z reporting this! Do you know how to improve your team's workplace wellbeing?
  • Leaders have the greatest impact on building psychological safety. Discussing (not just once) and learning together about Emotional Intelligence and differences in communication styles goes a long way in improving wellbeing at work. Let me share with you how my teams have successfully done this!
  • Additionally, having (not avoiding!) difficult conversations is KEY to stopping a toxic culture from growing. Do you know how to effectively have these conversations AND set a plan of action for buy-in & improvement? I've done this multiple times with great success - let me show you how!


Front-Line and Mid-Level Leaders, with the right training & support, are right there in the thick of it with any company's staff. They can make or break any company's culture, regardless of the C-Suite's vision. Is your organization willing to invest in Leaders to build consistently high-performing teams who never want to quit?

Need help in any of these areas, Reader?

Contact me right away... because leadership training shouldn't be a cookie cutter approach!


A community for front-line & mid-level corporate leaders

Having a safe, supportive community of corporate leaders, just like you, is the perfect place to ask "those" (not stupid) questions, learn from others who "get it" and "have been there" (or are still there), and dig deeper into topics that apply directly to both you & your team.


I wish I had this when I started out in leadership... that's why I want to make sure YOU have it, Reader, Apply NOW​


You don't have to do this alone,
you just have to take the 1st step!


Love to Read?

You should see the number of turned corners in this one, Reader! In "Developing the Leader Within You 2.0", John C. Maxwell outlines 5 levels of leadership that he covers in depth:

  • Position (people follow because they have to)
  • Permission (people follow because they want to)
  • Production (people follow because of what you have done for the organization)
  • People Development (people follow because of what you have done for them)
  • Pinnacle (people follow because of who you are AND what you represent)

Where do you think you are on this scale currently as a Leader?

Do you know how to get to the next level?

Read the book... and/or if you want help, contact me - it's kind of what I do! πŸ˜„


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Wishing You Success,

Stephanie Weiss

Your Empowered Leaders Coach


P.S. I welcome your feedback and your ideas for future topics. Reply​

Hi! I'm Stephanie, founder of the Empowered Leaders Academy.

Guiding newer corporate leaders to transition from doer to boss - offering coaching, training & group support to help you build an extraordinary team along the way! Sign up for my newsletter, join an upcoming live event, apply to the community, or get 1:1 coaching.

Read more from Hi! I'm Stephanie, founder of the Empowered Leaders Academy.

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