EMPOWERED LEADERS - Why Do Men Feel Comfortable Working With Me?

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Why Do MEN Feel Comfortable Working With Me?

Maybe it's because I grew up with all boys in my family and in my neighborhood. I played with Hot Wheels, robots, legos, sticks & sand.

Maybe it's because I was a Daddy's girl. I helped build things, load up multiple cords of firewood, drive 4-wheelers, and hike in the woods.

Maybe it's because my career started off in the sciences and IT. I majored in chemistry and worked with mostly men in my science career. I moved into computer programming from there - another male-dominated field.

Maybe it's because I'm not afraid to speak up. I'm willing to say "no", set boundaries, and remain professional doing both.

OR maybe it's because of the reasons I list in the section below...

Why Do WOMEN Feel Comfortable Working With Me?

Maybe it's because my Grandmother was my best friend growing up. She lived next door and was an amazing, wise, & independent woman who lost her husband when my Mother was only in high school.

Maybe it's because I'm not afraid to work in a man's world. Yet I know how to utilize "soft" skills as a super-power.

Maybe it's because I talk about emotional intelligence. Yet I communicate it to others as an essential skill, not a "soft" skill.

Maybe it's because I stand up for myself & other women. And never apologize for being a woman.

OR maybe it's because of the reasons I listed in the section above...

My Top Values

  • Professional - respect for one's self & others in all aspects of work and play
  • Motivated - driven with purpose for positive impact to make a difference
  • Empowering - guiding others to be the best version of themselves
  • Empathy - meeting you where you are when you are at your best, worst, or somewhere in between
  • Dependable - committed to the people & tasks I say "yes" to
  • Trustworthy - your story is yours to tell, not mine to share without your consent

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Remembering We Are Human

That is the key, Reader! You are human, your team is made up of humans... so why do we find it so hard to act like it?

EQ, authenticity, transparency... it's all about treating others like humans, not widgets.

So many workplace cultures focus on $$$ or results. Yet, as an Empowered Leader, you know that treating your team with respect leads to improved engagement, productivity, and retention (for the right people anyway!) Which ultimately leads to the improved company bottom line and a happier, more rewarding workplace culture.

If Emotional Intelligence (EQ) still seems like a buzzword to you, and you want to know more about what it is... or how to "do it", here is a free gift from me to you:

Let me know how I can help you on your Empowered Leadership EQ journey. 📩

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Wishing You Success,

Stephanie Weiss

Your Empowered Leadership Coach

P.S. I welcome your feedback and your ideas for future topics. Reply

Hi! I'm Stephanie, founder of the Empowered Leaders Academy.

Guiding newer corporate leaders to transition from doer to boss - offering coaching, training & group support to help you build an extraordinary team along the way! Sign up for my newsletter, join an upcoming live event, apply to the community, or get 1:1 coaching.

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