
Hi! I'm Stephanie, founder of the Empowered Leaders Academy.

Guiding newer corporate leaders to transition from doer to boss - offering coaching, training & group support to help you build an extraordinary team along the way! Sign up for my newsletter, join an upcoming live event, apply to the community, or get 1:1 coaching.

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EMPOWERED LEADERS - Leading with Honesty vs. Being "Nice"

Welcome Back, Empowered Leader, I'm so glad you're here, Reader! Leading with Honesty vs. Being "Nice" Not all leadership journeys begin smoothly. Sometimes, honesty is the most effective tool for a new leader's growth. Reader, let me tell you a story, where my initial skepticism turned to success... I inherited a team where a promotion had already been unofficially promised to a team member. This individual, let's call him John, wasn't prepared for the leadership responsibilities the role...

9 days ago • 3 min read

Welcome Back, Empowered Leader, I'm so glad you're here, Reader! According to Gartner What is HR's #1 Priority in 2024? Hint: it's YOU! According to Gartner, "Leader & Manager Development" is the #1 priority for HR in 2024. You know that makes my heart happy... since this is my mission, too! Our front-line & middle managers in the world of corporate have struggled for too long. Being promoted with little to no training in leadership, stuck between staff needs and meeting the next corporate...

23 days ago • 2 min read

Welcome Back, E.M.P.O.W.E.R.E.D. Leader, I'm so glad you're here, Reader! What Does It Mean To Be E.M.P.O.W.E.R.E.D.? The dictionary defines "empower" as: "giving (someone) the authority or power to do something" "making (someone) stronger & more confident, especially in controlling their life or claiming their rights" How do YOU define "empower", Reader? Most of us have many stories of bad bosses... I remember the one who tried to be everyone's friend, but wasn't a leader. Or the one who had...

about 1 month ago • 3 min read

Welcome Back, Empowered Leader, I'm so glad you're here! Why Do MEN Feel Comfortable Working With Me? Maybe it's because I grew up with all boys in my family and in my neighborhood. I played with Hot Wheels, robots, legos, sticks & sand. Maybe it's because I was a Daddy's girl. I helped build things, load up multiple cords of firewood, drive 4-wheelers, and hike in the woods. Maybe it's because my career started off in the sciences and IT. I majored in chemistry and worked with mostly men in...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Welcome Back, Empowered Leader, I'm so glad you're here! Who Influenced Your Leadership Style? Great leadership is more than having a title to give you authority. Do you know who helped to shape or influence your leadership style, Reader? I've been asked this on several occasions. Looking back at my time being an employee who has worked for many different bosses, at many different companies, across several different industries, I wondered how each influenced my leadership style. I can point...

2 months ago • 3 min read

Welcome Back, Empowered Leader, I'm so glad you're here, Reader! The Winter Blues Are you going through a case of the Winter Blah's? Good thing that groundhog saw his shadow... that means Spring is almost here! Whether it is the cold weather, gray skies, or yet another round of sinus congestion, Winter can play havoc with our health, mood and energy levels. As a leader, you may find it more difficult lately to handle your own family's mood changes, let alone those of everyone at work, Reader....

3 months ago • 2 min read

Welcome Back, Empowered Leader, I'm so glad you're here, Reader! "Bored Out" You've heard of "burned out", but have you heard of "bored out", Reader? Of 2,000 working U.S. adults surveyed in 2023, research by OnePoll found that 46% (almost half!) said they get bored at least 3 days of the workweek. Similarly, Gartner surveyed 3,500 employees and found that only 31% said they were engaged, enthusiastic, & energized by their work. Gartner suggested that this means the other 69% are languishing,...

3 months ago • 2 min read
A black background with muted white swirls displays the text "Strong & Intentional" in a scripted white font.

Welcome Back, Empowered Leader, I'm so glad you're here, Reader! Fresh Start 🌱 Do you view January as a fresh start as so many do when celebrating the New Year? It may or may not be the start of your company's fiscal year, but as we turn to a fresh calendar with a new year printed upon it, it's easy to use this time of year to welcome the new and discard the old. ✨ Welcoming the New - Now is the time to consider if you & your team have any new goals or business priorities of focus for 2024....

4 months ago • 2 min read
A person's hand holding a glass sphere that is reflecting the surroundings back, but upside down.

Welcome Back, Empowered Leader. I'm so glad you're here, Reader! Reflection - Gratitude & Letting Go 2023 isn't over yet! Let's not rush the end of the year - time flies ⏱️🚀 fast enough already, Reader. In the last newsletter, we discussed slowing down... so while your calendar is full of social events for the holidays, I hope that you find moments - however small - to stop, to breathe, to just be. 🧘 As we countdown to the beginning of 2024, let us take a moment to reflect 🪞 on 2023. Reflect...

4 months ago • 1 min read
Scrabble tiles spelling out the words: "Be Here Now"

Welcome Back, Empowered Leader. I'm so glad you're here, Reader! Do Yourself a Favor, Reader As the weather turns colder, and the nights are longer, December encourages us to slow down. Yet, it can feel so foreign to slow down... especially here in the U.S. where the focus is all about doing more, faster. As a result, we face all the health consequences that come with the "more" mentality. Do yourself a favor... Stop for just a moment RIGHT NOW. First, smile. Then take a deep breath... slowly...

5 months ago • 1 min read
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